Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Final Installment - The Ray Project"

Today is the day we make our final push to finish the painting. This is a fun time to paint, all the hard choices have been made, the large washes applied, highlights and darks established now we add the final details that make the total painting pop from the page.The shirt is finished with the shadows that are cast under the chin and with the collar. We darken the lenses on the sunshades (Ray's patented Ray Ban's) and the detail to the hair, more dark shades finalizes the look of the head and rounds out the painting. I dulled the highlight on the forehead just slightly to bring more emphasis to the mouth area, the only part of the painting that was left totally white, the color of the watercolor paper. You need to straighten up the mouth area as well, painting the gaps in the teeth and around them to bring the area more into focus. At this point I usually step back from the painting and take a long look to see if everything fits with the look I am after. You should be happy with the final piece and you are ready for your signature. Paint it with pride. I hope you have enjoyed this 5 day journey and that your painting has satisfied your artistic journey. We start our next project - Johnny Cash on Monday. Enjoy!

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