Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Back to Work"

Here we are back at work on our joint project. It felt pretty good to take a couple of days off and work with my son Casey on his project but it's time to get this painting finished. If you have been following our schedule you should have the total background done with a blue wash from top to bottom getting darker as you go down. Here is a tip to help you - almost always a sky gets darker closer to the horizon line and lighter as it goes up. After the background we put in the darker clouds at the bottom and then started working on the pink and purple hues that graduate from there. We want to put the lightest white highlights at the very end. Remember when you are painting with acrylic paints if you don't like what you put on the canvas, wait until it dries and paint over it. If you have a problem with a lighter color covering darks, you can also gesso back over that area. We will return tomorrow and get real close to finishing our project. I would like to see some of your finished pieces and maybe even showcase them on this site. Enjoy!

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