Monday, February 28, 2011

"Quick Sketch"

I wanted to show how a painting gets it start or conception. The piece you see here is what artists call a "quick sketch", usually done in the field and saved for a later project. The artist is not trying to get the exact color, size, and so forth but a feel of what the subject is like. I did this with a ball point pen and colored pencils in a matter of seconds. The shapes and color blocks were just so I would know where to place shadows and highlights if I ever used this piece. I haven't included this sketch in any painting but it stays in my clip file for future reference. Many times these sketches are never used but will come in handy if needed at a later date. Maybe someday I will find just the perfect spot to include this Mallard Duck but until then it stays locked away with all the other drawings and sketches that I have acquired and saved over the years. Please visit my gallery at Fine Art America - Kirby Crow and see all the originals and prints that we have for sale. The options and sizes for each piece are unlimited and made to fit any budget. Enjoy!

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