Saturday, January 29, 2011


Contrast is the keyword for today. Lights against darks, a very limited palette and fast heavy washes is what this painting is all about. A very quick sketch to layout the flower and then lay down some color. The background was a solid wash the value of the leaf and then darkened behind to add depth. The white flower was painted last and the detail added at this time. The veining in the leaves was actually applied with an eraser to take paint off. Paintings such as these are really more for the artist than the viewer. They allow you to let off some steam in the fact that you are not held by any boundaries, there is no wrong or right to a painting such as this. Any mistakes can be turned into a positive. There aren't any characteristics that have to be closely followed. I hope you leave some comments on the site. We are still fighting the urge to put advertisements on the blog. I know that it helps to keep the site going monetarily, but I still believe that it takes away from the overall style and pinache of the site. I wish someone smarter than myself would come up with fresh ideas how to advertise, but discreetly! That person could make a fortune. Enjoy!
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